Sunday, May 5, 2019

New SwissTronix Portal Launched

The new portal is live!

On May 1st, 2019 we launched a new portal with a design based on the wildly popular Bootstrap 4 open source toolkit for developing with HTML5, CSS3 code, Bootsnipp HTML snippets, and powerful plugins built on jQuery, a feature-rich JavaScript library.

Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile-first front-end framework for faster and easier web development, extended to swisstronix needs. This architecture also provides a highly refined structure of validated, search engine optimized code. 

Of course, it’s cross-browser,  cross-platform, conforming

Even our swisstronix logo was redesigned……with an orange smiley added to give it character!

Web design, as with all other things in life, has evolved “dramatically”. Today, Bootstrap 4 architecture is, for some, the gold standard for web development.

Design of the new portal encompasses fluidity, luminosity, lucidity; and lots of passion!

And for webmasters, we evolved our eCommerce to open the door to others who may be interested The 2 plans offered include all the massive infrastructure that goes behind such eCommerce, with 3 multi-million professionally managed data centers (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) where the servers are stacked. We have it all fully automated, it’s all click and go!