Monday, November 16, 2015

Access 380+ TLDs spanning the Americas, Europe and Asia and book yours on the fly!

The first commercial Internet domain name, with .com extension was registered 15 March 1985 in the name of by Symbolics Inc., a computer systems firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. By 1992, fewer than 15,000 .com domains had been registered. 
By October 2009, 21 generic top-level domains (TLDs) and 250 two-letter country-code top-level domains existed.
According to Verisign, four million domain names were added to the Internet in the third quarter of 2014, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 284 million worldwide across all top-level domains as of Sept. 30, 2014.
The increase of four million domain names globally equates to a growth rate of 1.6 percent over the second quarter of 2014. Worldwide registrations have grown by 18.1 million, or 6.8 percent, year over year.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Managed WordPress Hosting

If you are expecting big traffic spikes, we'd like to propose you Managed WordPress Hosting!
Managed WordPress Hosting is faster - and more secure - than standard web hosting plans. It also means you continue to have the power and simplicity of WordPress without the hassle of constant updates and technical adjustments.
Get even more out of your website by choosing a WordPress host that provides at least 10 basic features, including caching, backups, migration and speed 10-features-your-wordpress-host-should-provide-to-improve-site-performance With its flexible and robust platform, there’s no doubt WordPress is a fantastic content management system. When you combine its simplicity with its wide adoption and support, the popularity of WordPress and its dominance of the CMS landscape is no surprise.
But while WordPress is a great tool to help you manage your website, it’s important to note that where you host it has a huge impact on its performance and reliability.
The good news is that hosting costs continue to drop. The bad news is the features offered by many hosting companies haven’t necessarily expanded. Yet in the last few years, because of the widespread use of WordPress, web hosts have dedicated significant time and resources to ensure a robust set of offerings that are affordable and great for business results.

New Domain Names Now Available

Here's our latest batch of unique and eye-catching domain names that might interest you.
  • .SHOW
  • .TEAM
  • .WIN
  • .LOL
  • .DOG
  • .LOAN
  • .TAXI
  • .RUN

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Website Builder v7


Everyone's been looking forward to the release of Website Builder version 7 and we're happy to announce that it's now available for all our clients! There are a ton of changes, but take a look at these key features:
  • Fully drag-and-drop website builder, designed for easy use.
  • Unlimited Pages on all plans, with added features to differentiate tiers.
  • Up to 300 themes available, depending on tier of the purchased plan.
  •  Automatic mobile site conversion is available on upgraded tiers.
  • Check out the product page for the juicy details.
We also changed the names of the different plans to reflect who they're intended for: Economy is now called Personal, Deluxe is now Business, and Premium is Business Plus. 
Customers who purchase Website Builder will get the new version by default. Current Website Builder customers will continue to use the existing Website Builder version 6 so their websites aren't disrupted. Unfortunately, at this time there's no simple way to upgrade a Website Builder 6 website to the new version. It would need to be rebuilt in the new software.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A notre aimable clientèle suisse...

Avez-vous un « nom de domaine » privé ou commercial chez SWITCH? 
Selon les directives édictées par l’office fédéral de la communications (OFCOM), les détenteurs de 1,2 millions de noms de domaine « .ch » doivent transférer leurs domaines de SWITCH vers un nouveau registrar. Cette migration vise à régulariser une situation monopolistique en instaurant une saine concurrence sur le marché de l’enregistrement de noms de domaine.

En transférant dès maintenant vos noms de domaine chez, vous bénéficiez des avantages suivants: 
  • Un transfert simple et gratuit, quelque cliques et le tour est joué!
  • La date d’échéance de votre contrat n’est pas modifiée
  • Support technique ‘dans votre voisinage’ ! …et à votre service du lundi au vendredi
De plus, tout ce qu'il faut pour vous mettre en ligne - GRATUIT avec votre domaine
  • Redirection de domaine et de masquage
  • Verrouillage du nom de domaine
  • Blocage du domaine empêche les transferts accidentels ou intentionnels de la propriété du nom de domaine et empêche quiconque de rediriger vos serveurs de noms (DNS)